reading list 2
Having trawled through thousands of threads, the transition from USENET newsgroups to a range of disparate forums as a location for MUD discussion, doesn't seem like much of a loss. The newsgroups were filled with a range of off-topic posts, spam and most of the threads which are on-topic are rife with misunderstandings and flaming. Forums however, have moderation and sub-forums for posts on various topics to go. The only downside to forums is that there are many of them, and similar topics of conversation can be located in different forums. It isn't as easy to remember to visit all the distinct locations as it was to just go to the relevant newsgroup.
In the first LP newsgroup thread listing I did, there was a thread about griefing and griefers. One of the posts noted that all you need is one griefer to run the MUD for a lot of people. In a way, it reminds me of one particular poster the LP newsgroups. In pretty much every thread you'll find him posting numerous overly aggressive responses, getting in the way of the discussion. This is a pity as it seems like this set back the discussion consistently. In my books, its a vote in favour of moderation.
1997-04-22: Ressurect: Future of Mudding - User Interfaces and Distrbuted MudServers
Following an earlier trainwreck of a thread titled "Future of Mudding", this is an attempt to resurrect it more productively.1997-07-11: LP: How does it work?
Distributed MUD drivers as a solution for lag. The need for graphical clients, due to the "dauntingness" of the command-line interface. Difficulty factor in writing code for a distributed MUD. Use of a DB backend as a basis for a distributed MUD.
Implementing a pseudo-language to dynamically transform MUD behaviour (wtf?). LP driver VM implementation/optimisation notes. Runtime morphism, for instance the ability to dynamically change running code to affect game behaviour. The need for downtimes/reboots for game maintenance.1997-07-25: DLPC: A proposal for distributed LPC
Suggests that distributed LPC is important for the future. That distributed LPC is more appropriate than distributed support in MudOS specifically, because then different drivers can implement it, not just MudOS. Handing off players from MUD to MUD.1998-01-23: Bandwidth Usage of MUDS
Bickering about the practicalities of using CORBA and whether people know what they are talking about. Intermud presence as a measure of mudlib popularity.
The regularly featured "How much bandwidth do MUDs use?" thread.1998-02-02: What do you think of Introductions?
Otherwise known as recognition systems. Appeal of it, or lack thereof to players. Degrees to which it can be implemented. Interesting gameplay which it facilitates, like amnesia and forgetting people's names. Breaks down into implementation specific discussion related to the resource usage of noting who knows who.1998-01-29: Mudlib security issues
Common ways mudlib security is compromised. Weaknesses of stack-based security. Discussion about stack-based implementation details.1998-04-08: Diku vs. LP from the player's POV
Bickering over the implementation of better security systems. That to write your own stack-based system rather than using the Lima Bean one, is to needlessly rewrite the wheel. That Shattered Worlds invented and posted a security system like this over five years ago. That because no-one knew about it or saw it, it didn't count.
Eventually moves to discussing exits and directions. Having the server doing the movements as part of an action to go to a landmark, rather than the player entering the movement commands needed to get there themselves. Drifts to classless systems. Skill systems.1998-07-06: MudOS bug? all_previous_objects()
A discussion about implementation details related to writing a stack-based security system.1998-07-08: Player base thinning
More navel-gazing about the decrease in popularity of text-based MUDs.1998-08-24: Coder shortage
There are a lot of MUDs asking for coders, and yet few seem to offer to teach people to code. Quality MUDs don't need to ask for coders as people actually want to code there. The same situation exists for builders. That builders on LP MUDs need to be coders anyway. How hard it is to actually train a coder.1998-09-28: Are LPMuds Dead? Or Where to Next?
That Java is a better bet in the long-term. Discussion about other languages which allow code reloading.1999-03-24: Future of MUDs
Declining player numbers yet again. Uninteresting stock MUDs being responsible for this.1999-05-04: Threshold RPG = Copyright Infringment?
The LPmud license prohibits the driver from being used for commercial purposes. Threshold has been a long-term LP MUD. Diverges into other related topics, like DGD licensing terms, and Skoto's licensing terms.Well, this is now done.
Current position: 10th September, 2008.