Sunday 9 January 2011

Power restaurant - Intestine noodles

Back to Power restaurant..

2011-01-04 - Power restaurant - 01 - Outside

I picked a random noodle dish from the menu - it's all Chinese to me.. I went to sit down at a table, and noticed that one of the workers who was sitting at another table was called over to the counter where the cooks place the prepared dishes. She looked over at me and laughed, and I wondered what I had done wrong.

Then this came to the table..

2011-01-09 - Meal - 01 - Intestine noodles

I went back to the receipt and checked what I had ordered. Sesame/flax something something INTESTINES!? noodles. Oops.

2011-01-09 - Meal - 03 - Intestine noodle receipt

Hmm. Not my thing. Tried eating a little, but wasn't really hungry enough to make a go of it.

2011-01-09 - Meal - 02 - Intestine closeup

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