Sunday 19 June 2016

Garlic Planting - Winter 2016

These are the first two of three garlic beds I've planted this year, both used for the broad bean landrace last year. There's a wider third bed which was dug and planted out in several days of hot weather. Here are the varieties and the beds they're planted in:

  • Bed 1: Ajo Rojo (Trade-Me, 2016)
  • Bed 2: Rocambole Early White (Koanga, 2016)
  • Bed 2: Rocambole Early Red (Koanga, 2016)
  • Bed 2: New Zealand Purple (Koanga, 2016)
  • Bed 3: Takahue Red (Koanga, 2014, replanted)
Here are the two ex-broad bean beds dug up and weeded. There were of course some volunteer broad beans growing, some of which were perennial planted before the last Winter.

Garlic - 2016-06-09 - 01 - Prepared beds

Bed 2: Rocambole - Early White.

Garlic - 2016-06-09 - 01 - Prepared beds - Rocambole Early White - Koanga

Bed 2: Rocambole - Early Red.

Garlic - 2016-06-09 - 01 - Prepared beds - Rocambole Early Red - Koanga

Bed 2: New Zealand Purple.

2016-06-09 - 03 - New Zealand Purple - Koanga

No photos were taken of the planting in beds 1 and 3.  I think some of the varieties were sprouting already, perhaps the Ajo Roja.  My memory is failing me.  I had wanted to get these in earlier, but was too busy to prepare the two existing beds, and dig out the third one.

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